The idea of designing and building a summer cabin came up due to a holiday trip to Finland. We were fishing at a neighboring lake and asking ourself, why we are daily driving by bike from our holiday cabin to fish. It lead to the theoretical design which got furthermore developed in our bachelor project under guidance of Jan Kampfstoff (modulorbeat architects). With little expertise in crafting we started to build our cottage in summer 2014. The cabin is located next to a lake in Finland and has due to its wild surrounding a close connection to the forest. A direct road, street or electricity supply doesn’t exist and just a small web of 250m accesses the building site.
We try to avoid any damage to the existing nature and used therefore just natural ressources. The existing conditions as no electricity and connection is influencing the design of the cabin. Furthermore the small budget of 12 000 Euro, missing technical experiences, a short construction time and other factors lead to a frame connection based on wood. „Arriving at the property the visitor reaches only the head of the building which appears with its existing gable roof as a traditional cabin. Only after accessing the comfortable terrace the modular system of the building appears.